5 Powerful Reasons to Check in On Your Friends

We all have the strong friend. Maybe we are the strong friend. No matter what title you give yourself, we all deserve to be checked in on once in a while. Here are some friends reminders to get out there and send those texts out to your besties you talk to everyday and those long distance friends you haven’t heard from in a while.

1. They might not be used to voicing their struggles

For someone who grew up in a dysfunctional home or may have never felt support from family or friends during childhood, they are probably just not used to sharing their struggles. They need someone to check in on them to be reminded that someone is thinking of them and caring enough about their wellbeing to actually follow through on the thought and check in on them too.

2. They might be uncomfortable voicing their struggles

Not everybody is comfortable seeking help, guidance, advice, or comfort when they are struggling. Some people are more bottled up than others. It’s still important to check in on them. Especially if they are the strong friend, because odds are they are uncomfortable voicing their struggles because they don’t feel like they have the right to voice those struggles.

3. They might not realize they are struggling

Black women are taught by society that we just work through the pain and solve problems on our own. We are not meant to carry the world on our backs and we are not meant to live our lives in pain, struggling on our own. So this is your reminder that you should check in on your friends even if they aren’t giving off a vibe that they’re struggling. They may not even know it themselves.

4. It will remind them that you are there for them

Listen, I don’t care who you are… everybody loves to know that they have people in their corner. People actually thinking about them and their wellbeing. People simply noticing them and the subtleties of their moods. People who want to make sure you’re doing okay even if you do seem happy as can be on the outside.

5. They will realize the importance of checking in on you too

When someone has people in their corner checking in on them, odds are they are going to start thinking of who in their life they haven’t checked in on recently. And we all need a bit more support and love floating around!

Do you relate to any of this? Share on social media and tag me @tyalexander on Instagram and @lovetyalexander on Twitter.

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While you’re here, here are some ways you can check in with yourself…

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