3 Ways to Take Care of Yourself When Life Is Back to Normal

Quarantine, for many people, was a time to reflect in the stillness and prioritize their self-care because it could so easily slip during a time of isolation, loss, and grief. For others, it was a time where they let self-care slip. Either way, your self-care should remain a top priority as we re-enter the world and pick up real life where we left off. Here are some ways you should be taking care of yourself as life gets back to normal.

1. Don’t overextend yourself

We’ve all seen the jokes online. “What excuse am I going to use now when I don’t want to hang out with someone?” The truth is what! You deserve to communicate your boundaries and have them honored. You don’t have to be busy, you don’t need a pandemic as an excuse. “I feel like doing nothing today” is a perfectly fine answer. If you need some help setting boundaries, tune in to this podcast episode.

2. separate work and rest

Even if you worked from home before the pandemic, odds are you’d work from a cafe or somewhere occasionally at least. And being stuck inside for over a year meant that the line between work and rest was blurred a whole lot. The definitive line of being at the office and doing work and being at home/resting was clear before, but I’m sure most of you in the past year have allowed work to creep beyond normal work hours. Now that you’ve let work settle in your home life, don’t let it plant roots there. Make sure you’re making work/rest balance a priority.

3. prioritize your health

When the pandemic first started, were you making sure you were hydrated? Were you taking your vitamins? Washing your hands when appropriate? While I hope you were washing your hands at the appropriate times in The Before Times, I hope you all prioritize every single one of these once normal life starts again. Prioritizing your health isn’t just for when you’re anticipating or fearing an illness… it’s for always!

How are you going to practice self care as the outside world opens up again? Share on social media and tag me @tyalexander on Instagram and @lovetyalexander on Twitter.

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Need some more post-pandemic inspiration? Check out this blog post…

5 Habits to Hold Onto Post-Pandemic


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