15 Journaling Prompts to Reflect on a Strange Year

This year has been a wild ride for every single one of us. Some of you may be great at processing and knowing what you’re feeling, but others might have a hard time articulating what’s been floating around in your mind and in your heart this past year.

While it may feel like nothing really happened this year— no big birthday parties, no bucket list travel destinations, no going anywhere really— there was a whole lot that went on internally, whether you realize it or not right now. Take the time to process everything in a journal.

Here are some prompts to get you started on the unpacking of 2020:

  1. What did I expect this year to look like?

  2. How did I change my behavior to help stop the spread of COVID-19?

  3. How did I respond to cancelled events, plans, parties, gatherings?

  4. When did I feel the lowest this year?

  5. What lightness in my life did the darkness of quarantine illuminate?

  6. How did I show myself grace and patience in these circumstances?

  7. How did I make the most of the worst possible situation?

  8. In what ways did 2020 encourage growth in me?

  9. What new hobbies did I pick up during quarantine?

  10. What would it look like for me to have a positive mindset when reflecting on this year?

  11. How did I prioritize the people I care about this year?

  12. How did I show up for others this year?

  13. How did others show up for me this year?

  14. How can I set myself up for success in the new year?

  15. What is the biggest thing I learned about myself this year?

I’d love to hear your reflection on this strange year. Share on social media and tag me @tyalexander on Instagram and @lovetyalexander on Twitter.

P.S. When you’re done reflecting, check out this blog posts for some 2021 affirmations.

14 Affirmations to Help You Through Your Breakup (With 2020)

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